FY 2014 Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Technical Assistance Project

FY 2014 Vision 21: Linking Systems of Care for Children and Youth Technical Assistance Project – This solicitation will provide training and technical assistance resources to support state-level demonstration projects to address the enduring issue of child and youth victimization. Victimization, left unaddressed, can have serious, long-lasting consequences for children’s physical and mental health. Research demonstrates that trauma left untreated may manifest into a range of physical, emotional, and behavioral problems. We pay for child and youth victimization in many ways: health and mental health care, child welfare, special education, juvenile and criminal justice, and losses in productivity over the individual’s lifespan. Although many systems exist to respond to these various issues, these systems often fail to communicate and collaborate effectively to get to the root of the problem. Through this solicitation, OVC is seeking a training and technical assistance provider to support state-level demonstration sites in working to establish coordinated approaches to identify, assess, and serve child and youth victims. This approach will ensure every child entering these systems is assessed for victimization; that children and their families are provided comprehensive and coordinated services to fully address their needs; and that practices and policies are established to sustain this approach long term. The deadline to apply for funding under this announcement is 11:59 p.m. eastern time on May 21, 2014.